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Kundalini & Non Dual

Immersion Retreat

Bisley yurt - Surrey UK

Dates Available:

25th & 26th January, 2025

22nd & 23rd March, 2025

28th & 29th June, 2025

27th & 28th september, 2025

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  • Two whole days of energetic transmissions
  • Kundalini Activation Process KAP
  • Opening of the energetic system and priming for the Non-Duality ​experience
  • Two different Non Dual transmissions
  • Beautiful farmland setting
  • Intimate sharing circles with a like minded community
  • Fresh seasonal fruit snacks

How will it benefit me?

You will be deeply immersed in this specific transmission energy for 2 full days. The focus on this course ​is the full and actual embodiment of the kundalini force, right down from the crown, through all the chakras ​into the base of the body.

  • Deep insights and realisations
  • Strengthened intuition
  • Shifts in perception of reality
  • Increased clarity
  • Enhanced senses
  • Capacity to feel deeply while maintaining equanimity
  • Access to deeper states of consciousness
  • Sense of purpose and direction
  • Deeper connection with oneself
  • Living with an open heart
  • Inner knowing and wisdom
  • Blissful states of being
  • Experiencing non-dual states or oneness
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What to expect?

Through the demonstrations, discussions, sharing & direct experience, you will:

  • Go deeper to facilitate a deeper embodiment experience and accelerate Kundalini ​development.

  • Learn about the range of energy types in people as well as the range of experiences that ​are most commonly encountered, from the earliest kundalini responses to later stage ​phenomena.

  • Specific focus on the embodiment of the spirit force into the physical body at the cellular ​level.

  • Be able to distinguish between a fully embodied energetic transmission versus a dis-​embodied out of the body style transmission.
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What to expect? cont..

The second day will include a direct transmission of non dual states of awareness as a ​fundamental background to the awakening of kundalini.

Primordial natural awareness and experience of oneness.

The increased level of kundalini in the participants (particularly in the 3rd eye) allows for a ​heightened receptivity to this non dual state.

Many participants have a direct experience of their true Self beyond anything they have ​imagined or conceived of previously.

First Day Only Tickets


This day will consist of 2 x 90 minute KAP sessions.

Retreating form your daily life even for one day can offer an excellent change to bathe ​longer and surrender much more than you are able to accomplish in a one hour ​transmission.

(Second day only tickets will not be available )

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Preparing for the retreat

Bring ...some cosy socks and / or blanket in colder months

...a small cushion

...a mat/blanket to lie on.

Wearing comfortable clothing.

Avoiding alcohol or drugs.

Eating light (fruit or veggies).

Clearing your evenings for integration after the sessions.

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Re​treat leader

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Phillippa was trained and accredited ​directly by the Transmission ​vehicle and ​founder of KAP. Venant Wong for both ​level 1 & 2 ​KAP trainings.

As one of few KAP Facilitators who ​bought KAP to the UK in 2019 ​and has ​shared the unique energy activation with ​more than 2.5 ​thousand participants.

Also qualified as a Kundalini bodywork ​facilitator, Reiki ​practitioner, certified ​Hypnotherapist, certified Regression ​​Therapist, meditation coach and Red ​Cross trained

Kundalini Non Dual ​Retreat

DM for Booking Code

Bisley yurt - Surrey UK


25th & 26th January, 2025

22nd & 23rd March, 2025

28th & 29th June, 2025

27th & 28th september, 2025